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Join Our Team

No Recruitment in 2025

Prince Edward Island Ground Search and Rescue (PEIGSAR) will not be conducting any recruitment in 2025. We appreciate your interest and support.

Please check back in 2026 for future recruitment opportunities.

Frequently Asked Questions

Is there a fee to join?

There is no cost to join. 


What are the requirements to become a member? 

You must be at least 18 years of age to apply. All applicants must also pass an RCMP background check before becoming an Operational Member of PEI GSAR. 


How fit do I need to be?

Search and rescue can be physically demanding. You could be asked to search in difficult terrain while carrying a pack for multiple hours in varying weather conditions. 


What time commitment is required? 

New members (also called Probationary Members) must attend specific training in accordance with the national core competency standards in order to become Operational Members of PEI GSAR.  This minimal training comprises 40-50 hours of training including:

  • Woodslore Training

  • Map and Compass Training

  • Standard First Aid / CPR 

  • GPS Training

  • Basic Searcher Course


GSAR volunteers also take part in 3-4 mock searches per year, as well as monthly training opportunities. 


In addition, all members are encouraged to participate in meetings, fundraising efforts, and public events. 


How often is PEI GSAR called out for a search? 


A search for a lost person is an emergency that can occur at any time of day, any day of the week,any time of the year. On average, PEI GSAR received 4-6 callouts per year. 


Am I expected to search alone?


No! All teams are composed of 3 or more members based on experience and training. You will never be asked to search alone. 


What if I can't attend a search? 

If you are unable to make it to a search, it's no problem. We understand that it is not always possible to leave work, find child care, etc. Before you consider joining GSAR, please consider how difficult attending searches may be. This is our purpose, and the reason we require a dedicated and trainer volunteer base. 


Where does training take place?

Classroom training takes place mostly in Charlottetown and Summerside. Field training takes part in areas all over PEI. 


Do PEI GSAR members get paid or reimbursed? 

PEI GSAR has no paid positions. For searches that are tasked by the RCMP, members may be reimbursed for travel expenses to and from the search site. 


Do I need to buy any equipment? 

You must provide your own weather-appropriate clothing and footwear. PEI GSAR will also provide you with a list of recommended items to keep packed in your backpack. PEI GSAR provides radios and GPS units for teams in the field. 


Do I need to have access to Internet access and a cell phone? 

Most of GSAR communication is done via email, and text, as well as by automated phone messages when real searches occur.  Our training schedule is also run online.   While they are not required to be a member of the team, it would be difficult to remain up to date on training, events, and other activities without using these features.  




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